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The Easily Science Corner

We love that you’re here for the facts

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The cause & treatment of allergies

To your body’s immune system, some of the harmless things in our environment today look similar to some of the more harmful things from early human history. If you have allergies in your genes, the immune system may mistake a kitten for a dangerous parasite, causing you to sneeze and your nose to run in order to get that invader out of your body. When this happens for many things in the environment, like dust mites, grass pollen and mold, allergies can have a significant impact on your quality of life, even though your immune system is only trying to protect you! 

The good news is that gradually exposing your body’s immune system to those substances that trigger respiratory allergies on a daily basis can actually teach the immune system what NOT to react to. The lining of the mouth is a great classroom for that teaching to occur, because the immune system in that areas is very skilled at learning how to tolerate food items placed in the mouth from a very young age. We custom-make Easily Allergy Toothpaste for you with all your important respiratory allergy triggers, using the same allergy extracts used for allergy shots.


Advantages of Easily Allergy Toothpaste

While all of the commonly used methods for delivering allergy immunotherapy are very effective, the methods that use the lining of the mouth (oral mucosal immunotherapy, or OMIT) have been found to be safer, which is why it is OK to do this treatment at home. Some people find weekly trips to the allergist’s office for shots to be inconvenient and costly, not to mention the pain and swelling caused by the injection. It’s also necessary to wait about a half an hour after your shots in the allergist’s office to monitor for a severe reaction.

Easily Allergy Toothpaste integrates seamlessly with your daily routine of tooth brushing, making it very easy to remember and so easy, even a kid can do it! To get the most out of this therapy, consistency is key. Allergy immunotherapy has also been found to be cost-effective, paying for itself over time compared to continuing to purchase daily medications. In addition, the cost of Easily Allergy Toothpaste may be applied to your Health Savings Account (HSA).

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Extra benefits for kids

Allergy immunotherapy decreases annoying symptoms, reduces the need for medications and improves the quality of life in the vast majority of people who complete a 3 to 5-year course. Plus, the benefits last several decades after stopping therapy! When started at an early age, this amazing treatment option has even been found to reduce the development of new sensitivities and decrease the risk of developing asthma. Wow!


What about sublingual drops?

Sublingual drops (SLIT) also use the lining of the mouth to deliver allergy immunotherapy, though only to the area underneath the tongue. We at Easily are excited about delivering those allergy extracts all throughout the mouth where there are even higher numbers of those hard-working immune cells. Some parents have told us that it’s difficult to keep their kids still with the drops held under the tongue for a full 2 minutes - it’s even hard for some adults to do that! Whereas it’s easier to forget your sublingual drops if they are stored in the refrigerator, Easily Allergy Toothpaste is right next to your toothbrush and easy to remember. Some people have also reported that the drops spilled in their luggage when they took them on a trip. With Easily Allergy Toothpaste, drippy messes are history!


Our Standard of Evidence

Over the last few decades, doctors and researchers have published numerous studies clearly demonstrating that it is both effective as well as extremely safe to apply allergy extracts to the membranes inside the mouth to desensitize a person who has respiratory allergies. Using personalized allergy toothpaste is the latest advancement in this method of delivering allergy immunotherapy. And a pretty cool one at that!